Apply search version

This process prevents new searches whenever the formula for calculating search version is changed in the AML Entity Translator. Otherwise, any update on the client or group would change the searchVersion and trigger a new search in ComplyAdvantage. To prevent the additional searches, the searchVersion field for all clients and groups needs to be recalculated and stored based on the new settings.

Apply search version for clients

The [CLIENT script] process in Mambu Process Orchestrator (MPO) is run manually without any input data. It goes through all clients in Mambu and updates the aml_clientSearchVersion custom field for each one. This update excludes clients with the state Rejected, Blacklisted, or Exited and clients with an empty value for aml_clientSearchVersion custom field.

After running this script, all eligible clients will have the updated search version, without any new searches being created in ComplyAdvantage.

Apply search version for groups

The [GROUP script] process is run manually in MPO without any input data and updates the aml_groupSearchVersion custom field for all groups. This update excludes groups with the state Exited for the group_Status custom field and groups with an empty value for aml_clientSearchVersion custom field.

After running this script, all eligible groups will have the updated search version, without any new searches being created in ComplyAdvantage.