Book deposit account

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When you execute the automated Book action from nCino, the status of the deposit account will be:

  • Approved in Mambu

  • Booked in nCino.

    Book deposit account

The deposit account along with the custom fields created in Mambu and defined at Setup process are updated before the Book action.

Accounts should be in the PENDING_APPROVAL state before executing the Book action.

If the action fails

When executing the Book action from nCino, a transaction log is also created. This log holds the transaction status, along with other details. In case of an error during the MPO process, the transaction log will be updated with details on the errors sent from MPO. Also, Vendor Status and Transaction Status will be set to FAILED.

Example of a transaction log after an error occurred during the Book action

To view transaction logs after an error occurs when executing the action:

  1. First, open the menu from the top left and search for transaction logs

    Find the Transaction logs section

  2. The most recent logs are found at the top, generally you would look here first to find the one you are interested in. You can also search by transaction log ID, transaction log name, or external ID to narrow down the results.

    Access the Transaction log

  3. Open the log you want to view. Details about the error will be held in the TransactionDetail field.

    Reserve flow Transaction log details