Creating and Managing Users

When you Mambu Process Orchestrator (MPO) instance is created, you will have one administrator user created for you. Administrators can create, manage, block, and delete MPO users.

Creating users

There are two types of users with different capabilities:

  • Regular users: Can create, edit, and share processes and state diagrams. We recommend this permission level for most users.
  • Administrators: Have all the permissions of regular users as well as the ability to manage users and change ownership for assets such as processes or folders.

We generally recommend having at least two administrators, in case one is unavailable.

Creating users using the UI

To create new users:

  1. Log in with ​an admin​istrator account.
  2. Go to ​the Users & Groups tab​.
  3. Select ​Create​ > ​User​.
  4. Enter the email address of the user you wish to invite, then select ​OK​.
  5. The user will receive an email asking to accept the invitation and set up credentials. Invitations are valid for 24 hours.

Add new users to MPO

Invite users to MPO by email

Creating users using the API

To create new users using the API, issue a request to the following endpoint:

Include a JSON-formatted request body like this:

     "ops": [
               "type": "create",
               "obj": "invite",
               "login": "",
               "company_id": "i123456789"
opsJSON ObjectA list enclosing all the tasks to run on MPO.Yes
ops[].typestringThe type of task. Usually ‘create’.Yes
ops[].objstringAn object type. The expected value is invite for this API request.Yes
ops[].loginstringThe email address of the user you want to create. This will be used to invite them to create their account.Yes
ops[].company_idstringThe ID of the company. This can be retrieved from your MPO URL when you are logged into the MPO UI (e.g

For general information on the MPO API, including endpoints and authentication, see API Basics.

Adding and removing administrator permissions

Once users have accepted an invitation, an existing administrator can assign them the administrator role. Administrators are listed in a separate group and are able to invite new users to the company, block, delete, or give other regular users administrator access.

From the Users & Groups tab:

  1. Expand the Groups menu and select the Admins group.
  2. Select Add user to group.
  3. Enter the user you want to provide the administrator access. Only regular users who have accepted the invitation and confirmed their account may be selected.

Managing MPO users

To remove the administrator access:

  1. Log in with an administrator account.
  2. Go to the Users & Groups tab.
  3. Go to the Admins panel.
  4. Select the desired user and select the bin icon to remove their administrator access.

Blocking and deleting users

Administrators may block and delete other users. When a user is blocked or deleted, their account access is deactivated, and they are immediately logged out.

When a user is blocked, they no longer have access to the platform until their account is reactivated. When a user is deleted, their account is permanently removed.

  1. Log in with an administrator account.
  2. Go to the Users & Groups tab.
  3. Go to the Users panel.
  4. Select your user and select the Block button to deactivate the user or select the bin icon to delete them.

To reactivate a blocked account, perform steps 1 through 3, then select the Activate button.

Creating groups

Groups allow you to share processes with users and to easily assign the same level of access rights. For example, you can create an administrators group.

To create a group:

  1. Log in with an administrator account.
  2. Go to the Users & Groups tab.
  3. Select ​Create​ > ​Group​.
  4. Enter the name of the group.