
This quickstart guide will introduce you to some of the main features of Mambu Process Orchestrator (MPO) - such as projects, stages, processes, state diagrams, and versions. Before starting, get a free API key from exchangerate-api.com, which you will need later.

1. Create the project and stage

Projects allow you to group processes and state diagrams together. Within projects you can create Stages, which allow you to further segment your work.

1.1 On the home page, in the left-hand side menu, select Projects. If you are not on the home page, select the Mambu logo in the top left corner to return to it.
1.2 Select Create > Project.
1.3 Enter the name Quickstart and the add the description Testing out the features of MPO.
1.4 To go to your newly created project, double click on Quickstart in the list of projects.
1.5 Inside your newly created project, double click on Stages. You will see the production stage already created.
1.6 To create a new stage, select Create > Stage. Name the stage development and add the description The dev stage of our Quickstart work..

The stages folder in MPO

2. Create the state diagram

State diagrams support processes by storing states and operational data. Here we will use state diagrams to store the API key for the API request in the process.

2.1 In the newly created development stage, select Create > State Diagram and name the state diagram Store API key and currency, with the description This state diagram stores the API key and sets the local currency..
2.2 Remove the default Inactive users node and rename the Active users node to Config. For more on using nodes, see Node Basics.
2.3 Under the Other section of the info panel, deselect the Maximum interval, for which the task stays in the node before being forwarded option.
2.4 Select the Start node, and copy the process ID of the state diagram for later use.

Getting the Process ID of the state diagram

2.5 Select Deploy in the top menu and switch to View mode.
2.6 Select + New task to trigger a new task.
2.7 In the REF field enter the value config. Select Add “key-value” to add a parameter with key api-key and set the value to the key you got from exchangerate-api.com.
2.8 Next, add another key-value pair parameter, where the key is currency and set the value to the three-letter abbreviation of your local currency (for example, USD for US dollars).
2.9 Select Add task to store the parameters in your state diagram.

Running a new task in the state diagram to store the values

3. Create the process

Processes manage the logic of a business flow.

3.1 Return to the stages page by selecting the Mambu logo in the top left corner.
3.2 Create a process by selecting Create > Process and name the process Make the API request, with the description Make an API request to the currency exchange API..
3.3 Add an API Call node. Drag the API Call node onto the green line between Start and Final to connect it into the process.
3.4 Select the API Call node to open the info panel. Enter the following URL in the box under the API request URL section:


Use the process ID you copied earlier in step 2.4 where the URL says ENTER-YOUR-PROCESS-ID. Be aware that you need to enter this in two places in the URL. The {{conv[ENTER-YOUR-PROCESS-ID].ref[config].api-key}} part returns the API key you saved in the state diagram and the {{conv[ENTER-YOUR-PROCESS-ID].ref[config].currency}} part returns the currency.
3.5 Set the Request method to GET.

Configuring the API call

4. Create a new task

A task is a running instance of a process or state diagram.

4.1 Deploy the process by selecting Deploy on the top left-hand side.
4.2 Switch to the View interface, select New Task followed by Add Task.
4.3 The task will fetch the latest exchange rates for your chosen currency. To see the results select the Final node, open the Archive tab of the info panel and the returned JSON file should contain this information.

The returned JSON for the API Call

5. Save your work as a version

A version is a saved snapshot of your work in a stage.

5.1 Return to the stages page by selecting the Mambu logo in the top left corner.
5.2 Go back to the stages folder list by selecting Stages in the folder path.

Going back to the stages folder list

5.3 Right-select on the stage containing your work and select Create version, give your version a version number, and add a description in the Changelog box.

Create a version of your work